The WhatsApp support staff announce that messages were encrypted in the "latest version" of the WhatsApp software for iOS and Android (but not BlackBerry, Windows Phone, and Symbian), without specifying the cryptographic method. Īn unknown hacker publishes a website that makes it possible to change the status of an arbitrary WhatsApp user, as long as the phone number was known. SnapChat, a competing photo messaging app, is founded.
In Series A round, WhatsApp founders agree to take $7 million from Sequoia Capital on top of their $250,000 seed funding, after months of negotiation with Sequoia partner Jim Goetz. It eventually starts to compete with WhatsApp and becomes very popular in China. WhatsApp support for Android OS is added. īrian Acton persuades five ex-Yahoo! friends to invest $250,000 in seed funding, and is granted co-founder status. WhatsApp 2.0 is released on the App Store for the iPhone. Jan Koum incorporates WhatsApp in California. Reception and criticism of security and privacy features in the WhatsApp messaging service WhatsApp Timeline